Cornerstone Baptist Church

Cleveland, NC
Monday June 16–Friday June 20 from 6 p.m.–8:45 p.m.
Online registration will close on Friday, June 14 at 8:00 pm! Walk-In registration will be available at the door each night of VBS.
It's a jungle out there!
There's adventure around every bend at The Great Jungle Journey, where kids will be equipped to answer questions about who God is and what His Word teaches about salvation. Join us on a river cruise through a world of wonder as we take an epic journey from Genesis to Revelation.
We will cruise down jungle rivers making stops at seven ports of call along the way each representing 7 key Biblical events- the 7 Cs of History! There will be excitement galore as we learn to connect the Bible to real life! We can't wait to welcome your children to Cornerstone for The Great Jungle Journey!
Help Our VBS!
DonateCornerstone Baptist Church—200 Clearview Rd, Cleveland, NC 27013